
We are currently seeking an investor for Digisoft - cyber construction. Based on your interest in investing and the ever growing Information Technology field, I believe the business concept Digisoft - cyber construction may be of interest to you.
Digisoft will be a leader in the Information Technology industry. Our mission is to attract middle to high income clients, produce the highest quality and service, market in the finest areas of town, use computer technology to the fullest extent, grow into a chain of 200 plus stores, and prove that the philosophy of professionalism in regards to clients/customers and employees will deliver a truly successful company. We have targeted the most strategic locations for our stores. We differ from our competitors because we will accept no less than a complete quality line of products and services with a "total commitment" to the concept. We have also assembled a strong Atlanta based management team that will come from the top of the Information Technology and related fields.

We are seeking a credit line in the range of $10,000 to $50,000 to assist Digisoft in the first phase. The funds will be used for training, hiring staff, marketing, supplies, and renovation or the building of the store itself. These funds can be used to receive a percentage of equity in the company.


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